Topics & focus

New requirements and practical significance
Mandatory labeling, advertising and product safety
What has changed? What remains?
How should the content requirements of the questionnaire be dealt with? What do you need to be prepared for in the future, both as a directly affected company and as a supplier?
The draft EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains and its impact on the food industry
Marketability, rapid warnings, product recalls, compensation for damages
What is still valid, what is new?
Legal requirements for marketing the same food in different qualities
New developments in advertising and outlook for new legal regulations
Legal framework, current case law and structuring options
Official monitoring, occupational pensions, legal protection and compensation
Price labeling, discounts, deposit
Recall and information obligations, Liability and compensation
Political will versus liability risks
Requirements for trade and supplier contracts in the new AgrarOlkG
What can companies expect and what measures need to be taken? National legislators have so far failed to transpose the European Whistleblower Directive into German law. The question for companies is what measures they must now take. The legal situation...
News from legislation and complaint practice in recent months
Correct conduct in administrative, hearing, misdemeanor and criminal proceedings
Advertising design options, case law, NGO campaigns
Use, design, GTC control, special features for b2b and b2c
New requirements and practical significance
Labeling and application
Mandatory labeling, advertising and product safety
Correct conduct in administrative, hearing, OwiG and criminal proceedings
Addition of vitamins and minerals, labeling, advertising options and restrictions
Regulatory overview, natural and organic flavors, labeling and advertising
Product categories, requirements, composition, labeling
Special manufacturing features, labeling, process
Narcotics law, product composition and advertising, case law
How can the risks be controlled?
What has changed? What remains?
Cabinet draft and outlook
How should the content requirements of the questionnaire be dealt with? What do you need to be prepared for in the future, both as a directly affected company and as a supplier?
The draft EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains and its impact on the food industry
Marketability, rapid warnings, product recalls, compensation for damages
Current regulations and reform plans
What is still valid, what is new?
New requirements and practical significance
Legal regulations and guidelines, composition, labeling and advertising
Old and new regulations, relationship to the LMIV, special issues
Composition, labeling, advertising
Legal bases for PDOs, PDOs and TSGs, sanctions, case law
Legal requirements and design options
Authorized claims, categories, formal requirements, sanctions
New developments in advertising and outlook for new legal regulations
Misleading, labeling requirements and exclusions, geographical indications
Case law, advertising with claims of effectiveness, sufficient scientific evidence
Mandatory requirements and sanctions
Legal requirements and practical implementation
Composition, labeling, advertising, procedural requirements
Public recall and silent withdrawal
Product features, composition, advertising restrictions
Overview of food labeling for marketing staff, career changers, etc. What legal requirements must be complied with when designing labels?
Warning letters, protective letters, injunction and main proceedings
Official monitoring, occupational pensions, legal protection and compensation
Have your suppliers trained in the correct handling of the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act.
Design, errors, claims
Property rights, practical significance, case law
Special property rights, supplementary ancillary copyright, case law
Legal bases, composition and labeling requirements, advertising options
Product categories, labeling, procedures
The qualification seminar provides you with the tools to fulfill the role of human rights officer.
Legal bases, product types, composition, labeling, designation protection
Trends, advertising opportunities, jurisdiction
Legal bases, delimitations, composition and labeling requirements, advertising possibilities, in particular for so-called botanicals
Legal basis, differentiation from normal consumer products, minimum and maximum quantities, notification procedure
Permitted claims, conditions and exceptions, labeling requirements
Mandatory information, type and manner of labeling, design options
Delimitation, treatment, labeling and advertising
Requirements, wording, jurisdiction
Novelty, procedure, Union list
What lies ahead for the industry? Draft EU packaging regulation, design for recycling, recycled content, etc.
Update on new approvals and developments in regulatory practice and case law
Price labeling, discounts, deposit
Registration, licensing, classification, log usage, violations
Principles and special cases as well as current case law on the designation of ingredients
Specific labeling requirements, distance selling regulations, case law
Disposable and reusable - system participation, deposit collection, labeling
What must be on the packaging and how? Mandatory information, formal requirements, specific requirements, sanctions
Avoiding stumbling blocks between product idea and market entry
Composition, labeling, process specifications
Material specifications, presentation and advertising
Deep-freeze chain, product features, specific labeling requirements
Requirements for trade and supplier contracts in the new AgrarOlkG
What can companies expect and what measures need to be taken? National legislators have so far failed to transpose the European Whistleblower Directive into German law. The question for companies is what measures they must now take. The legal situation...
News from legislation and complaint practice in recent months
Trend, definitions, guidelines and protection of designations
Material specifications, labeling and advertising options
Correct conduct in administrative, hearing, misdemeanor and criminal proceedings
Advertising bans, possible disclosures, case law
Advertising bans, case law and new draft legislation from the BMEL
Advertising design options, case law, NGO campaigns
using the example of trend topics such as "sustainable and natural", "veggie/vegan" and "fit & healthy", taking into account the new case law
Principles and special cases as well as current case law on the designation of ingredients
Requirements of case law and European classification
Old and new regulations, relationship to the LMIV, special issues
Authorized claims, categories, formal requirements, sanctions
Case law, advertising with claims of effectiveness, sufficient scientific evidence
Special property rights, supplementary ancillary copyright, case law
Legal bases, delimitations, composition and labeling requirements, advertising possibilities, in particular for so-called botanicals
Permitted claims, conditions and exceptions, labeling requirements
Mandatory information, type and manner of labeling, design options
Registration, licensing, classification, log usage, violations
Principles and special cases as well as current case law on the designation of ingredients
What must be on the packaging and how? Mandatory information, formal requirements, specific requirements, sanctions
Principles and special cases as well as current case law on the designation of ingredients
Requirements of case law and European classification
Old and new regulations, relationship to the LMIV, special issues
Authorized claims, categories, formal requirements, sanctions
Case law, advertising with claims of effectiveness, sufficient scientific evidence
Special property rights, supplementary ancillary copyright, case law
Legal bases, delimitations, composition and labeling requirements, advertising possibilities, in particular for so-called botanicals
Permitted claims, conditions and exceptions, labeling requirements
Mandatory information, type and manner of labeling, design options
Registration, licensing, classification, log usage, violations
Principles and special cases as well as current case law on the designation of ingredients
What must be on the packaging and how? Mandatory information, formal requirements, specific requirements, sanctions
Principles and special cases as well as current case law on the designation of ingredients
Addition of vitamins and minerals, labeling, advertising options and restrictions
Regulatory overview, natural and organic flavors, labeling and advertising
What needs to be considered when designing a beer label?
Special manufacturing features, labeling, process
Narcotics law, product composition and advertising, case law
Legal regulations and guidelines, composition, labeling and advertising
Product features, composition, advertising restrictions
Legal bases, composition and labeling requirements, advertising options
Legal bases, product types, composition, labeling, designation protection
Legal basis, differentiation from normal consumer products, minimum and maximum quantities, notification procedure
Delimitation, treatment, labeling and advertising
Novelty, procedure, Union list
Composition, labeling, process specifications
Deep-freeze chain, product features, specific labeling requirements
Trend, definitions, guidelines and protection of designations
Use, design, GTC control, special features for b2b and b2c
Correct conduct in administrative, hearing, OwiG and criminal proceedings
Cabinet draft and outlook
Legal significance, practical relevance, state of development
Public recall and silent withdrawal
Overview of food labeling for marketing staff, career changers, etc. What legal requirements must be complied with when designing labels?
Who is responsible and to what extent? How are violations of food law sanctioned? How can liability be avoided or limited?
Warning letters, protective letters, injunction and main proceedings
Have your suppliers trained in the correct handling of the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act.
Design, errors, claims
Update on new approvals and developments in regulatory practice and case law
ESG: Which new regulations and directives are relevant for you? Overview of the EmpCo Directive, EUDR/Deforestation Regulation, Ecodesign Regulation; CSDDD/supply chain requirements, new Product Safety Regulation, Green Claims Directive, CSRD/sustainability reporting, etc. Who is affected by which new regulations?
Specific labeling requirements, distance selling regulations, case law
Avoiding stumbling blocks between product idea and market entry
Product evaluation, contestation options, logo use
Advertising and marketing strategies for slogans, logos and seals with sustainability and environmental claims based on the new draft regulations  
Product categories, requirements, composition, labeling
Composition, labeling, advertising
Legal requirements and practical implementation
Composition, labeling, advertising, procedural requirements
Product categories, labeling, procedures
The qualification seminar provides you with the tools to fulfill the role of human rights officer.
Disposable and reusable - system participation, deposit collection, labeling
Material specifications, presentation and advertising
Material specifications, labeling and advertising options